Hat tip Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers
In a rare display of decency coming out of Berkeley, the mayor, Jesse Arreguin, has expressed his opposition to city council member Cheryl Davila's choice of UC Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian to serve as her stand-in in case of some natural calamity that would prevent her from serving. It's an odd custom they have in Berkeley, but then again, Berkeley is a city of odd customs.
Mayor Arreguin apparently can't do more than voice his opposition, but that didn't stop crybaby Bazian from sending out a call for help.
Of course, to Bazian and his ilk, just speaking in opposition to his agenda constitutes some sort of human rights violation.

In case anyone is interested, Richard Silverstein, whose name appears above, is a misfit activist living in Seattle who hates Israel almost as much as Bazian does. he has a blog, which shall remain unnamed, which posts some of the wildest conspiracy theories you will ever hear about Israel. (He has banned me.) Hardly surprising to see Bazian and Silverstein link arms. As they say, there's a lid for every pot.
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