
Thursday, October 11, 2018

Kudos to Michelle Obama

I don't often agree with Michelle Obama, but I absolutely need to commend her for rebuking recent inflammatory comments by Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton.

Make no mistake: The words of Holder and Mrs. Clinton were not taken out of context. As to Holder, I have no idea why he somehow thinks that his tenure as AG had anything to do with lower violent crime rates. This is the same AG who oversaw Operation Fast and Furious, which surely did not decrease shootings in Mexico. It exacerbated them. This is the same guy who organized some kind of community outreach group that actually went into troubled neighborhoods at troubled times and helped organize protests. One notable example was Ferguson, Missouri in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting in 2014.

Hillary Clinton, looking ever more the role of Norma Desmond, played by Gloria Swanson in the 1950 film, Sunset Blvd, is flying around the world moaning that she lost the election and trying to remain the voice of the Democrat party. Note to Hillary: It's over.

In this time of so much discord between the two parties, with so much heated rhetoric that Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is openly expressing fears of some kind of assassination, I commend Mrs. Obama for trying to calm things down. In fact, for the first time in my life I'm (kinda) proud of our former first lady. (LOL)

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