
Monday, October 1, 2018

Kavanaugh: Dems Want More Time

Last week, when Republican senator Jeff Flake pushed his Republican fellow Judiciary Committee members into a corner by insisting on an FBI investigation, he and the Democrats on the committee asked for a one week delay. A last minute deal was struck (thanks to Flake) whereby the committee would vote on the nomination, sending it to the Senate floor for a final vote while asking for President Trump to order the FBI to investigate. Without that request, Flake would have voted no and in all probability, would have been joined by Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski in the floor vote. That would have sealed Kavanaugh's defeat. So the Dems got exactly what they asked for-one week to allow the FBI to interviewed  alleged witnesses to the Christine Ford incident.

Already, the Democrats, including Dianne Feinstein, are demanding more time-more delay.

If nothing else, this should show how Democrats cannot be trusted. They are stopping at nothing to derail this nomination-even if it means destroying Kavanaugh, his career, his family and his life.

I still hold to the idea that if Kavanaugh is what his accusers say he is-or was way back then- he should not be on the Supreme Court. I don't want to be in his corner regardless of the truth. Given the fact that I will never know the truth in all probability and the Democrats' shenanigans, I am finding it increasingly hard not to be rooting for Kavanaugh.

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