It's a familiar scene in Italy. Gypsies board a train (without paying). They then hassle passengers begging for money. On this occasion, a train employee came on the loudspeaker and told the Gypsies to get off at the next stop saying their were breaking balls. Now the employee is facing the loss of her job. She has one defender, however: Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.
Trenord: The loud speaker announcement of the train: "Gypsies, you have broken the (balls)...". Speaker identified, Salvini defends her
The words were pronounced on the train that covers the route from Milano to Mantova. Reporting it is a researcher, 32 years old from Cremona, who works in the Milanese capital. "This was unacceptable language." The company: "Unspeakable and serious." The conductor risks being fired. The minister defends her. "Instead of worrying about aggressions to passengers, they worry about messages (sent) to the molesters."
Trenord, l’annuncio all’altoparlante del treno: “Zingari, avete rotto i c…”. Individuata l’autrice, Salvini la difende
"Passengers are asked not to give money to molesters." And not even to the Gypsies. "Get off at the next stop because you have broken balls." It was the announcement given by loudspeaker on the Trenord regional train which on Tuesday was traveling from Milan to Cremona and Mantova. All of the passengers heard it. Reporfting it, however, was a 32-year-old researcher from Cremona who works in Milan. "I was returning home," she says. "I heard those words, so serious, so I looked immediately at my watch." The voice was feminine. The traveler also wonders if "both the use of the word 'Gypsies' and the subsequent 'you have broken ...' do not clearly constitute discriminatory language.
"It can not be accepted on the part of a public official in the exercise of their function and in the context of a public service financed with the taxes of the (taxpayers). I am therefore that Trenord must disassociate itself and publicly apologize for the incident."
Taking the side of the employee, who risks losing her job, however, is the interior minister. "Instead of worrying about the aggressions against the passengers, controllers and conductors, someone is worried about messages against the molesters. To travel safely is a priority," wrote Matteo Salvini on Twitter.
Some commuters once arrived at the station sent a complaint to Trenord with a detailed explanation as to what occurred. Trenord, at first, put out a more prudent statement. "The device from which these announcements are put out is not in the cabin.It is also accessible to passengers who through tampering could use it." Then, after some checks excluding tampering, the company thanked "the passenger for the prompt reporting," defining the occurrence as "serious and unspeakable". The company, which operates train travel in Lombardy, has begun an internal investigation and has identified the employee who spoke those words. The measures are being evaluated. The punishment could go as far as firing.
A colleague, heard from by, who prefers to remain anonymous, while not justifying the woman, says that to understand it: refers to numerous episodes that every day degenerate and whose protagonists are groups of immigrants who try to travel without tickets. Still in this case, as said. it concerned Roma (Gypsies), who for the most part are Italian citizens. At any rate, in these cases, the conductors, continued the Trenord employee, politely ask them to get up and get off at the next stop and receive in response insults, when the word, "racist" is thrown out not without usefulness.
"It can not be accepted on the part of a public official in the exercise of their function and in the context of a public service financed with the taxes of the (taxpayers). I am therefore that Trenord must disassociate itself and publicly apologize for the incident."
Taking the side of the employee, who risks losing her job, however, is the interior minister. "Instead of worrying about the aggressions against the passengers, controllers and conductors, someone is worried about messages against the molesters. To travel safely is a priority," wrote Matteo Salvini on Twitter.
Some commuters once arrived at the station sent a complaint to Trenord with a detailed explanation as to what occurred. Trenord, at first, put out a more prudent statement. "The device from which these announcements are put out is not in the cabin.It is also accessible to passengers who through tampering could use it." Then, after some checks excluding tampering, the company thanked "the passenger for the prompt reporting," defining the occurrence as "serious and unspeakable". The company, which operates train travel in Lombardy, has begun an internal investigation and has identified the employee who spoke those words. The measures are being evaluated. The punishment could go as far as firing.
A colleague, heard from by, who prefers to remain anonymous, while not justifying the woman, says that to understand it: refers to numerous episodes that every day degenerate and whose protagonists are groups of immigrants who try to travel without tickets. Still in this case, as said. it concerned Roma (Gypsies), who for the most part are Italian citizens. At any rate, in these cases, the conductors, continued the Trenord employee, politely ask them to get up and get off at the next stop and receive in response insults, when the word, "racist" is thrown out not without usefulness.

I respect any Gypsy who breaks from this culture and becomes a productive member of society. They are too few in number, however.
One can argue with the language used by the train employee, but unticketed passengers should be removed from trains. If they are "breaking the balls" of other passengers, than why not call a spade a spade?
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