This year's annual conference of the Islamic Society of North America, an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, is featuring an all-star lineup of Muslim extremists.
Since I am familiar with some of these characters and have personally seen them speak and asked appropriate questions of them and gotten inappropriate, non-answers, let me add a few personal details.
Hatem Bazian. The UC Berkeley professor has spoken several times at UC Irvine. The man who called for an intifada in the US in 2004 also reportedly once asked a student audience to count the buildings on campus with Jewish names on them. I tried to pin him down on those points in 2010 when he spoke at UC Irvine. All I got in return was a tap dance. In short, he did nothing to change my view that he is an anti-semite.
Zahra Billoo has also spoken at UC Irvine. I attended her presentation during Islam Awareness Week in 2013, when the Muslim Student Union was encouraging non-Muslim co-eds to don a hijab for a day. I videotaped her over the usual objections of the MSU. On this occasion, I asked Billoo about that famous poster she dug up and used to tell Muslims not to open their doors to FBI agents. Like Bazian, she tap danced around the question, explaining that CAIR (who she represents in San Francisco) "had determined that it did not represent appropriate legal advice". You can view the video of her presentation here.
I also asked her about that quaint little Islamic law that calls for death by stoning for adulterers. She was at least honest enough to answer this one by stating that stoning was, indeed, the punishment for both men and women (although women seem to be on the receiving end more than men, I would add).
Then there is the darling of the Southern California inter-faith crowd, Muzammil Siddiqi, a former head of ISNA. I have interacted with him on several occasions at several different places. A soft-spoken, kindly looking gentlemen, he once (2012) opened his mosque in Garden Grove to a town hall dedicated to the idea that sharia law is compatible with the US Constitution. Though he insists that there is no death penalty for those who leave Islam under sharia, on another occasion in 2012, I did manage to pin him down enough that he pretty much conceded that those who leave Islam and publicly speak out against the religion are traitors. You can read that interchange here.
The last time I saw Siddiqi, he was speaking as part of an interfaith panel at UC Irvine in 2017 with gullible Jewish colleagues. Since he was posing as a friend of the Jewish community, I asked if he thought it was good for Muslim-Jewish relations when he allowed the Muslim Student Union to assemble their mock "apartheid walls" at his mosque. His answer was a total non-answer. You can view the video here.
Make no mistake: This conference will be a gathering of subversive, anti-semitic Islamist extremists. That they have sold themselves as moderates to so many is proof that we have a lot of gullible fools in our society.
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