
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Controversy Continues Over Hamburg Murders

Was an infant beheaded?

(Note: I have provided rough translations of selected excerpts from German to English.)

 Earlier this month, a man from Niger murdered his German ex-wife and infant daughter at a subway station in Hamburg. The killer used a knife and inflicted horrific injuries upon both victims. For the infant, death was almost instantaneous.

In fact, one witness, a Ghanian gospel singer, used his cell phone to capture images of rescue workers as they tended to the victims. At one point, in obvious shock, the man appears to say (in English) "The guy cut  the head off the baby." This has never been reported to the public. (When this video was played on another site, one reader stated that he thought the statement was, 'The guy cut the head of the baby". The English is accented, and it could be interpreted either way. Yet, the context of the narration suggests strongly that the witness saw something very shocking because he repeatedly, "Oh my God. Oh Jesus" several times.

The witness is tentatively believed to be Daniel Jeddman, a gospel singer from Ghana who lives in Hamburg. The video was  possibly posted by another individual.

The below two German sites (not yet translated) claim that police are covering up the fact that the baby was, in fact, beheaded, based largely on the above video.

Der Vorwurf: Die Ermittler würden dem Publikum die blutigsten Details gezielt verschweigen, um den Täter, den abgelehnten Asylbewerber Mourtala M. aus dem Niger, zu schützen. Jetzt fand eine Razzia bei einem Blogger in Eilbek statt: Es ging um ein Handyvideo.

The accusation: The investigators are intentionally keeping the bloodiest details quiet from the public to protect the killer, the rejected asylum-seeker, Mourtala  M.  from Niger. Now there is a police raid on a blogger in Eilbek. It concerns a handy-(cell phone) video.

And this from Juergen Fritz Blog referring to the same video.

"...Der Lampedusa-Flüchtling aus dem Niger, der vor zwölf Tagen in Hamburg Tochter und Frau tötete, hat seine einjährige Tochter nicht nur brutal abgestochen, er hat ihr tatsächlich den Kopf fast vollständig abgetrennt." 

The Lampedusa refugee from Niger, who 12 days ago in Hamburg killed his daughter and wife, not only stabbed his one-year-old daughter, in fact, he almost completely severed her head.

„O my God. It’s unbelievable. [Oh mein Gott. Es ist unglaublich] O Jesus, o Jesus. O Jesus. They cut off the head of the baby [Sie haben dem Baby den Kopf abgeschnitten]. O my God. O Jesus.“

Viewer warning: Graphic scenes.

Juergen Fritz Blog also posts official documents including this from the Hamburg  court:

The prosecuted perpetrator, Mourtala Madou, out of anger from the day before (when) his application for joint custody of his daughter was denied and to punish the child's mother enforcing his power and ownership claims with intention to kill suddenly pulled a knife from his rucksack, stabbed his one-year-old daughter in the stomach from behind and then subsequently the throat almost completely severing (the head)......

„Der gesondert verfolgte Täter“ (Mourtala Madou) habe aus Wut wegen der tags zuvor erfolgten Ablehnung des beantragten gemeinsamen Sorgerechts für seine Tochter und um die Kindsmutter zu bestrafen, seiner in einem Kinderbuggy sitzenden einjährigen Tochter in Tötungsabsicht und zur Durchsetzung seiner Macht- und Besitzansprüche mit einem unvermittelt aus seinem mitgeführten Rucksack gezogenen Messer von hinten einen Stich in den Bauch versetzt und ihr anschließend den Hals nahezu vollständig durchtrennt …, s

 Here is what is wrong, and it is being played out all over Europe. The public is not being given the facts of what is happening. Identities and descriptions of perpetrators are shielded, horrific details of their crimes are not being reported, the very existence of no-go zones is denied to the outside world, and the grand result is that the people are not truly aware of the dangers they face from this million or so people who are running amok. As the old Mel Brooks movie suggested: It's springtime in Germany. (Or is it for Angela?)

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