
Saturday, March 10, 2018

Trump-Kim: I Smell Nobel Peace Prize

I can see the news headlines now: Kim Jong Eun Gets Nobel Peace Prize- Mueller Probe Widens

That's probably what we can expect if (by some miracle), President Trump were to sit down with Kim, explain the facts of life to him, and Kim surrenders his nuclear arsenal and makes peace with South Korea.

The revelation that Kim has expressed a willingness to sit down with Trump has put the born-again cold warriors of the left in an awkward situation. Are they not to supposed to cheer an American president when he makes peace overtures to a hostile regime like North Korea? Today, CNN is sarcastically asking, "What could possibly go wrong?" But where was their cynicism when the hapless ex-secretary of State Madeleine Albright and her boss, Bill Clinton were being played like a fiddle by North Korea? Where was their criticism when President Obama and his hapless secretary of State, John Kerry, were making that disastrous nuclear deal with Iran? Where was the derision from the left when yet another hapless ex-secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, presented the famous reset button to Russia on behalf of Obama? Ditto for when Obama was caught on a hot mic telling Russian president Medvedev to tell Putin that after the re-election, he could be more flexible. Now, with Trump in the White House, the leftist "hawks" are still pinning their hopes on the almost completely discredited idea that Trump and/or his campaign colluded with the Russians to sway the election in Trump's favor. "Better dead than red," the new left now says.

It's a hundred to one shot. But wouldn't it be great if Trump pulled one out of his hat again? Let the Swedes and Norwegians on the Nobel committee snub him and give the prize to Kim. The hypocrisy wouldn't be lost on the American people.


Squid said...

If the Officials of the Nobel Peace Prize can give Al Gore a prize for the bogus Global Warming and Radical and Chief Barack Obama a Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing, I can believe that Kim would get the Prize. Any bets!?


Gary Fouse said...

Don't forget that man of peace, Yasir Arafat.

Squid said...

I did forget! Thanks
