"What are you wearing?"
I didn't intend to watch the Oscars last night, but since my son and daughter-in-law came for dinner, I played the good host and sat there with them watching the annual festivities until they left. So I watched roughly half of the show. Once they left, I went upstairs to read.
As usual, what I saw disgusted me. It was yet another masked ball featuring Hollywood's elite congratulating themselves not only for their film accomplishments, but also for being so much more progressive and sophisticated than us rubes. Naturally, the MC, Jimmy Kibbel, had to get in his political digs at President Trump and anything conservative. Most of the presenters had to bore us with their views on the world, Trump. the NRA, and who knows what else before opening the damn envelope and announcing the winner. Some guy sang a rap song with a reference to the NRA and " a president who trolls hate" (Trump). There was Nasty Woman Ashley Judd and two other actresses doing a "trilogue" blasting conservatives and telling us that our "time was up". Everybody was pronouncing their solidarity with Dreamers, "immigrants", and other "oppressed" groups.
And how ironic was it when they had a feature showing us how many movies they had made over the years honoring our military? The scenes flashed by so fast it was impossible to take notes, but I did notice that one of the first images was that of Demi Moore in the movie, "A Few Good Men", which was anything but praising of our military. I would bet some of the other images came from films like "Apocalypse Now", "Full Metal Jacket", "Platoon", and who knows how many others that portrayed our troops as homicidal . For every movie Hollywood has made about our military since the 1960s, that was positive, they have made three which were negative.
One of the nice features of the show was when Kibbel and a few others ducked out of the hall and went to the Chinese Theater nearby to surprise a crowd of movie-goers attending another event. One attendee was even invited by Kibbel to introduce the next presenters. Alas, even that was screwed up by the sight of actresses throwing chocolate bars into the audience kind of like when you throw peanuts to the monkeys in the zoo.
But how hypocritical is it for these Hollywood elites to preach to us about gun violence when the industry has 100 years of movies glorifying gun violence to its "credits"? How can they lecture us about the sexual exploitation of women when you consider the age-old casting couch and the nudity and sex scenes that are almost obligatory in movies nowadays? Harvey Weinstein was an open secret in Hollywood for two decades until one woman finally came forward. How many of those self-righteous actresses have never taken off their clothes in a movie?
Harvey Weinstein
"What are you wearing?"
How dare these pretentious clowns give us lectures on values?
1 comment:
You may have gone to bed before Best Film Director, Mexican Guillermo del Toro who lives in Toronto, declared,"I think that the greatest thing our art does and our industry does is to erase the lines in the sand." Yes, a borderless world works in film because you can edit out anything unpleasant. Such a statement is particularly hypocritical from a spokesperson for Mexico -- one of the most difficult countries in the world to enter as a migrant. I know. I worked there, and that country is harder to enter as a job-seeker than Fort Knox.
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