
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

UC Merced Hiring Social Justice Activism Administrators

It amazes me how the University of California spends money like drunken sailors then complains that they don't have enough money. Now we have UC Merced hiring two new "social justice activism administrators".

"We are utiulizing womxn to be more imclusive [sic] of the diversity within the category of womxn."  

Note to would-be applicants. Those who spell women "women" need not apply.

1 comment:

Squid said...

Is this real! "We are utiulizing womxn to be more imclusive [sic] of the diversity within the category of womxn."
If real, the California University system is in worse shape than I have ever imagined. I went out of State to finish my education because the Universities were falling behind. That was over 40 years ago. I feel sorry for University Students in CA.
