
Sunday, January 7, 2018

France is Becoming Judenrein

* Judenrein: A German term adopted by the Nazis meaning cleansed of Jews.

As the Muslims keep pouring into France and other Western European countries, the situation becomes more and more intolerable for the Jews. If things don't change, Europe is on the way to being Judenrein-without any help from the Nazis. Amazing.

The Western Europeans*, who are in a mad rush to bring in millions of Muslims from the Middle East for some reason I cannot fathom, seem perfectly content to allow these attacks against Jews by the newcomers to continue even while Europeans are also attacked. I am coming to the conclusion that the Europeans are happy to see Jews emigrate. If that is truly the case, Europe will be getting exactly what it  deserves when Muslims become the majority in a few decades.

* To date, the Eastern Europeans are resisting this wave of migration, much to the consternation of their western counterparts and the EU.

1 comment:

Squid said...

In a few decades, Karma!