
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Conyers Resigns, er Retires

Endorses his 27-year-old son to replace him

You have to hand it to the entire Conyers family. They have an overabundance of chutzpah. John Conyers, embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal that apparently involves thousands of dollars in pay-outs, is retiring from Congress from his hospital bed, where he is recovering from  serious case of shame.  Well, not that much shame. As he waxes eloquent about his "grand legacy", he is endorsing his son to replace him. I guess his wife is too busy re-acclimating herself to life outside prison, where she was sent for corruption in local Michigan politics,

 “My legacy cannot be compromised or diminished in any way, but what we are going through now. This too, shall pass. … I am very proud that I am the dean of the Congress.”

King of the swamp would be a better description. That statement is worthy of the Clinton family.

Is it any wonder Michigan is in such a mess?

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