What could possibly go wrong?
That's what we have all been told by those advocating that we allow self-identified transgender folks to use any bathroom they feel like. Now Miguel Martinez of Casper, Wyoming, who identifies as a woman and calls himself, "Michelle", is charged with raping a ten -year-old girl he lured into a rest room.
We all could have predicted this would happen, but the elite liberals would not listen.
Could you please explain how a law requiring people to use the "right" bathroom would have prevented this?
When you allow the Miguel Martinez's of the world to choose which bathroom they want to use, incidents are going to increase. Why do you think every country in the world has always had separate bathrooms? Of course, I can physically walk into a woman's rest room. But there will be consequences if I do. I can rob a bank. But there will be consequences.
It's just common sense.
Your "common sense" makes no sense. The only way to have stopped this is if a police officer is at every bathroom.
The irony of this all is that transgender people have been using their preferred bathrooms for years. It's only recently that people are looking to stop them.
By your common sense, the person in the following picture (not porn, I promise) would use the women's restroom:
What's sensible about that?
Nothing sensible at all (referring to the tattoos on the guys chest).
Seriously, my thinking is that once a person undergoes a sex change they can use the bathroom of their new gender. But if I suddenly decide I am a woman with male genitalia that does not mean I( have the right to go into a woman's bathroom. Is that sensible?
Question: Why do you think every country in the world for the past 20 centuries has had separate restrooms for males and females?
I'm fine with anybody using whatever restroom he or she wants so long as they don't disturb or harass others. (Or talk to me when I pee. I hate that.) The problem is, there are plenty of people (like the person in the picture, his name is Buck Angel) who have not undergone sex changes who look like the opposite of their biological sex. Making them use the "correct" restroom would cause more problems than it would solve.
And there are some women (both biological and gender) who look like men even though they still identify as women. What are they supposed to do? (And of course, you can flip the genders around in this example as there are men who don't look very manly, if you know what I mean.)
As to why there have been separate restrooms all these years? Because it seems like a perfectly "common sense" idea. But "common sense" doesn't always consider all of the potential problems and complications of an issue.
As a father of a young child, I'm more worried about people who look like you molesting my son. And they can do it in the "right" restroom. (I'm not accusing you of being a child molestor. I'm just saying that guys like you - and me - fit the profile much more than the guy in this particular case. How come nobody's stopping us from using the restrooms that little kids use? You'd stop a lot more sexual predators that way, I think.)
-Bubba Bo Bob Brain (formerly Anonymous)
Complications? Look at the complications we are throwing into it now.
There are a lot of people out there who make themselves look unisex, which causes some to question which gender they Are. I just think the easiest way is that you use the restroom which corresponds to what is between your legs. With modern science we can change that. So if they change their gender they can use the appropriate restroom. There is no easy answer and I have no ill will to transgenders, but I can't see us spending millions of dollars to redesign public restrooms and turn everything upside down for their sake.
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