Where are the intersections?
If you haven't been in a college social science classroom lately, you may not have heard the term, "intersectionality". It's all the rage these days in academia. This is the newly discovered academic art of connecting every issue under the sun into whatever your favorite issue is.
For example, let's say your pet issue is the Palestinian cause. By intersectionality, you connect the so-called injustices visited upon the Palestinians and connect them to other causes like Black Lives Matter, gay rights, women's rights, or the environment and link them right back on Israel's doorstep. That way you gain allies. You can tell an American Indian in North Dakota that his natural allies are the Palestinians. You can tell Latinos upset about President Trump's immigration policies that the Palestinians are their allies. In other words, everything is Israel's fault. What kind of warped reasoning is that?
So naturally, when a protest was held against racism at Cornell, a leftie professor named Russell Rickford stepped to the microphone and let the crowd in chants of "Free free Palestine".
William Jacobson is a Cornell law professor and one of the few voices of sanity on that lost campus. Here is his report on his blog, Legal Insurrection.
That's how intersectionality works. Everything is interconnected. In reality, however, it is more like a figure 8 stock car race. It is intellectual chaos, brought to us, naturally by the left. Instead of wrecked cars and bodies, intersectionality leaves us with our students coming out of college with warped minds.
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