"Emails obtained by Campus Watch (CW) from University personnel who requested anonymity show that early on the morning of April 7, a triad of professors – Joel Gordon, Mohja Kahf, and Ted R. Swedenburg – pressured Center director Thomas Paradise to cancel Chesler’s appearance. They were joined by a dean—the emails point to Arts and Sciences Dean Todd G. Shields as the likely suspect—who threatened to cancel the symposium and freeze funding for the Middle East Studies Program (MEST), a unit of the King Fahd Center, if Chesler spoke".
Add conservative commentator Phyllis Chesler to the list of speakers whose appearances have been cancelled by universities. No, it's not UC Berkeley. This time it is the University of Arkansas. Chesler had been invited to speak on honor killings and forced marriages. Unfortunately, that didn't sit too well with some faculty members.
What surprises me here is that she was being sponsored by the Middle East Studies program, usually hotbeds of Arab ethnocentrism and anti-Israel/anti-West indoctrination.
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