Turks riot in Rotterdam
-Russia Today
How many times have we watched the riots, the terror attacks and the seemingly never-ending flow of young, single, unaccompanied men in their twenties arriving in Europe (mostly Muslims) and proclaimed, " England is lost", "France is lost", "Germany is lost", "Sweden is lost", and "Europe is lost"?
I know I have said it many times.
The docile surrender of European leaders as well as the EU makes my head spin. How can they bring in millions of Muslims and other migrants from the Middle East and Africa and watch the crime wave soar, attacks upon their populaces, terror attacks, and the rapes of their woman by this scum.
Yes, scum.
These are not true refugees. These are not true immigrants. These are not widows and orphans. These are not people looking to become Europeans, Germans, Italians, Swedes or any other nationality. They have no respect for the traditions and principles of freedom and equality as practiced in Western Europe since the end of World War II. These are people who are mostly looking for welfare and to impose the hell-holes they left behind on their "adopted countries". In some cases, they intend to kill the infidels. They already have. They have already made Sweden the rape capital of Europe. No matter what the leaders or the press of Sweden tell you, things are very bad there. Indeed, many Swedes believe as I do that President Trump did the country a favor by instigating an international discussion on Sweden.
Just this past weekend, Islamic terror hit the German Rhineland. On Friday, a 36-year-old Kosovar asylum-seeker ran amok in the central train station in Duesseldorf attacking seven people with an axe until he was captured. On Sunday, a large shopping mall in nearby Essen had to be shut down as police arrested two suspected terrorists who they believed were about to strike.
Into all this enter Turkey and the dictatorial regime of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Seeking more power, Erdoğan is holding a referendum in April that would give him even more powers. Presently, he is attempting to campaign among the large Turkish diaspora in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands- Turks who are eligible to vote.
These countries have reacted negatively to this as an intrusion into their own sovereignty. This has led to Erdoğan making a series of inflammatory threats against these countries, calling them "Nazis" and fascists". It all came to a head over the weekend when the Netherlands (of all places) got some backbone and refused to allow the Turkish foreign minister to land in Rotterdam in order to give a campaign speech. Then the Turkish minister of family and social affairs, who was denied landing rights, crossed into the Netherlands in a vehicle convoy from Germany. Her destination was the Turkish consulate in Rotterdam where she intended to give a speech to the Turkish community urging them to vote in favor of the referendum. Dutch police blocked the streets in front of the consulate and escorted her back across the German border as hundreds of Turks protested with Turkish flags and rioted. The Dutch action was met with outrage in Ankara and in the streets of cities like Istanbul.
Aside from the fact that Turkey under Erdoğan has pretty much ruined any chance of entering the EU (for whatever that's worth), this full-scale diplomatic crisis between the Netherlands and Turkey may mark a turning point for Europe. Plainly, the European people themselves have had enough. Their laws restrict what they can say about the issue of immigration. In many European countries, so-called "hate speech" (defined as opposing immigration of Muslims) can actually result in prosecution.
But there is hope. The political ruling class in Western Europe may well be on the way out. They are facing serious challenges in this years' elections. In France, it is the Front National and their candidate for this year's presidential election, Marine LePen. In Germany, it Alternativ fuer Deutschland under Frauke Petry challenging Angela Merkel. In Italy, it is the Lega Nord under Matteo Salvini. In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders, probably the most courageous man in Europe, may become the next prime minister in an election scheduled for this week. In Sweden, it is the Sweden Democrats and Jimmie Åkesson. They are all challenging the status quo and demanding an end to unrestricted immigration.
And guess what: They view Donald Trump as the one to emulate. They view his electoral success as a harbinger for what can happen in Europe.
The face of European politics may well change for the better. This is a decisive year for the future of Europe. It also may be their last chance.
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