
Monday, February 13, 2017

January 28 Protest in Rome Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy)

On January 28, there was a large protest in Rome organized by the center-right party, Fratelli d'Italia. Also participating were representatives of Lega Nord (Northern League) and Forza Italia. Below is a video from RAI, Italy's largest television network in which FdI leader, Giorgia Meloni, is interviewed. I provided the translation and sub-titles which were processed and posted by the blogs, Vlad Tepes and Gates of Vienna. Below you can find the video.

I received an invitation from a representative of FdI to participate in the demonstration, which, of course, was symbolic since I am in California.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The rump party of Italy's most hystrionic playboy, together with the party of pale northern Italians who can't stand the darker-skinned people at the southern end of the country (the ones who were born there), mixed up with a band of people trying to prove Marx right by playing farce to Mussolini's tragedy. What a day. What a crowd to get mixed up in.