
Sunday, January 8, 2017

Who Is Aashiq Hammad?

Possibly Esteban Santiago Ruiz

The below article by Got News speaks for itself. If accurate, it suggests that the Ft Lauderdale attacker, Esteban Santiago-Ruiz, was flirting with the idea of Islamic jihad as far back as 2007. This is something that has not made it into the mainstream news as of yet. It has been cross-posted by Creeping Sharia and Atlas Shrugs.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Isn't this the guy who said ISIL had taken over his mind against his will and U.S. intelligence agencies gave them access? You're trying to make sense of this loony nonsense?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Isn't this the guy who said ISIL had taken over his mind against his will and U.S. intelligence agencies gave them access? You're trying to make sense of this loony nonsense?