I recall the first George W. Bush inauguration in 2001 after he won the presidency and protesters threw eggs at his motorcade as he and Laura proceeded to the White House. It was pretty ugly if you have any respect for the peaceful transfer of power in this country. Compared to what is coming in just a few days, that was just a stroll in the park.
Already some are calling for the inauguration to be disrupted, most prominently (I guess) Rosie O'Donnell, who had to find some way to get back in the public spotlight. The safest bet you could make is that a large portion of the coming protesters will be from the ranks of our colleges and universities. And if you think I am talking just about immature students, think again. Some universities are actually helping to get the Little Rascals on their way. The College Fix blog has an article that identifies some of the schools busy organizing their students (and misfit teachers) for the big day on January 20.)
Lost in the shuffle, unfortunately is tiny Talladega College, a historically black college in Alabama. Their marching band, the Tornadoes, has been invited to perform at the inauguration, and they have accepted. That has stirred outrage on the part of some who think that Donald Trump is a "racist" and that Talladega should not perform at this particular inauguration. Rather than just express a respectful dissent, many have bombarded Talladega's courageous president, Billy C. Hawkins, with threats and ugly accusations of being an "Uncle Tom". It's the typical manner in which African-Americans who go against the grain of liberalism are treated in this country. Nonetheless, Talladega is going ahead and sending their marching band to Washington. What greater opportunity for these young people to see the nation's capital and participate in democracy first hand? That, of course, is lost on the left.
Nobody wants to see violence on January 20 or for anyone to be injured or worse. But if things do get out of hand, it is the left-and the Democrat party that will suffer. Once again, the public will see first hand how radical the party and their supporters on the left have become. The worse it is, the more the public will recoil in disgust.
The world will be watching on January 20. Here's hoping we can put our best foot forward. And go Tornadoes!
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