Of all the universities that have embarrassed themselves over the past year for one reason or another, few stand out as much as DePaul University. On Friday, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro was scheduled to speak at DePaul. However, when he arrived on campus a squad of some 30 campus gendarmes blocked his entry and threatened him with arrest if he crossed over onto school property. Of course, the confrontation was videotaped, and now DePaul has egg all over its face.
DePaul is a private school, and thus, has the right to deny anyone access. Yet, they still look like idiots in doing so. The reason is not that Shapiro is some kind of bomb-thrower who will incite his followers to riot. The problem is that Shapiro's opponents, left-wing students and activists, might riot. Thus, Shapiro is denied his right to speak.
Earlier this year, DePaul was shamed when Milo Yiannopoulos appeared and in spite of the presence of security that event organizers were forced to hire, students still disrupted the event and took over the stage while the guards did their best imitation of potted plants. To add insult to injury, DePaul's hapless (and now outgoing) president, Dennis Holtschneider, who was in Normandy (France) issued a statement comparing his little brats (no pun intended) to the soldiers buried at the American cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach.

"I got the brats."
Here is more from DePaulia, the campus paper.
What a sorry institution.
FYI: Rogers Waters is coming to UCLA later this month to promote his anti-Israel film https://www.eventbrite.com/e/film-screening-and-discussion-with-roger-waters-and-sut-jhally-tickets-29317701033
Great. Listen to some broken down rocker opinionate about the world.
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