
Thursday, May 19, 2016

ADL Chief Addresses J Street

Hat tip The Israel Group

The below article in the Jerusalem Post confirms my suspicions about the Anti-Defamation League. Why in the world would Jonathan Greenblatt, the new director of ADL, speak to J Street, a Jewish organization that time and time again sides with those forces trying to destroy Israel? If you are not familiar with J Street or are under the false impression that they support Israel (which they claim they do), this article explains it all.

I remember all the years when the Muslim Student Union at UC Irvine would hold their week of anti-Israel festivities. (They still do.) Speakers like Amir Abdel Malik Ali would come and scream their bile about Israel-and Jews. The then head of Orange Country's ADL chapter would be there standing around saying nothing-nothing. In that same vein, Abe Foxman spoke before a Jewish group in Newport Beach a few years ago. I was not there, but my friend from the Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism was and asked him to comment about the problems at UCI. Foxman said there were no problems and that the administration and Jewish students had it under control. That statement was blatantly false.

In my view, ADL will only speak out about anti-Semites who fit into a certain mold-neo-Nazis, skinheads and such. When it comes from Islamic sources-especially in the US, they are strangely silent. This appearance before J Street puts the icing on the cake as far as I am concerned.

1 comment:

Squid said...

On three separate occasions, I have attended ADL training sessions for law enforcement personnel and other groups interested in domestic terrorism. In every case, ADL described motorcycle gangs, neo-nazi groups and skin-heads. Not one word of Islamist terror in the U.S. One asked the question, how many mass attacks have there been from motorcycle gangs, neo-nazi groups and skin-heads in comparison the Islamists.
I asked the West coast coordinator of these presentations about the absence of Islamist terror and she replied that these groups are not included in there presentations. Because of this whitewash, I no long waste my time with the ADL.
The question remains: Who is influencing the ADL to not report on why most death dealing faction in the United States.
