"Southerners", Widows, and Orphans
-Gatestone Institute
Soeren Kern has a shocking run-down on Germany's new rape epidemic, which can be largely credited to Angela Merkel and numerous other German politicians and media who don't want the public to know what is truly happening at the hands of the new wave of migrants into the country.
Cologne train station on New Years Eve
Looks like Germany has had a Rape Epidemic for a quite awhile:
The most important difference is that Christian Rapists tend to be clerics/leaders of the religion (Pastors, Priests, Bible Teachers).
And just read what a Christian Pastor did right here sunny Orange County:
You would really be more credible if you included your name (as I always do), but that is your right.
I am hardly a defender of the Vatican, and have written several times expressing my disgust at the priest pedophilia issue. Among priests it is a serious on-going problem probably largely due to the prohibition of marriage and vows of chastity required, which are not required of Protestant ministers. Your blanket condemnation of Christians in this vein is unwarranted.
In addition, there is a difference between someone who rapes children because he is a pervert and someone who is taught to believe that rape is legitimate either as a tool of war or because he regards Western women as whores who deserve to be raped because they don't dress or act like he believes women are supposed to.
Get my drift?
There is no Christian Scripture to support sexual abuse. There is such Islamic Scripture. See today's post for an example. (I know all about the guy in Aliso Viejo. I live near there.)
With all due respect, you are either a dissembler or an idiot. If I were you I wouldn't use my name either.
"There is no Christian Scripture to support sexual abuse."
Wrong there Buddy. Check this out:
Now before you play the Old Testament card, remember that the same "god" who dictated the New Testament also dictated the Old Testament.
Also the "god" of the Bible impregnated Mary when she was just 12 years old. By contemporary American standards the "god" of the Bible was a Pedophile and Child Rapist.
No wonder Pedophilia is soo rampant among Christian Clergy.
"Among priests it is a serious on-going problem probably largely due to the prohibition of marriage and vows of chastity required, which are not required of Protestant ministers."
More sorry excuses. If the requirement of celibacy is the cause of Catholic Priests raping kids, how to do explain the massive amounts of pedophilia and child rape by Protestant Pastors who are allowed to get married?
Your source: Evil Bible.com-Right, Pal.
Pretty scary passage for sure, but who is acting out on it today? That passage, like many in the Old Testament, is gathering mold. Unfortunately, those suras from the Medina period of the Koran are not gathering mold. They are being acted out on. Prime example is ISIS, whose leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi has a PhD in Islamic studies from Baghdad University.
"Your source: Evil Bible.com-Right, Pal."
Says the Blogger who cites "news stories" from a site named after the vicious murderer Vlad Tepes.
"...Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi has a PhD in Islamic studies from Baghdad University."
FALSE. Al Baghdadi got his PhD in 2013 from the "Islamic University of Baghdad" not the actual University of Baghdad. Kind of like how getting an MBA from the "University of Phoenix" is not the same as getting one from Arizona State or UCLA. I'm guessing when you are the leader of terror organization you don't have to go to classes or write papers to get your degree.
Keep making excuses for the massive amounts of Christian/Catholic Pedophilia and Child Rape. But just because you refuse to recognize it, doesn't mean it exists:
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