San Diego Union Tribune
On November 19, a female Muslim student at San Diego State University reported that she was verbally and physically assaulted by a white male approximately 20-years of age in a parking lot during the afternoon hours. Police have yet to identify the alleged assailant. In the meantime, demonstrations of support have been held on campus and the Muslim Student Association has come forth with all kinds of demands (Can you say, "University of Missouri"?)
It is alleged that the attacker verbally insulted the woman's faith, calling her a "terrorist" and pulled on her head covering before walking away. If true, the act is to be condemned. Given past experiences with these kinds of reports, I will let it stand right there.
I also have no problem with the university students and administration coming out to support the alleged victim. Yet, it is always interesting to compare these responses when the victim is Muslim or black with when the victims are Jewish. In my view, the most serious bias on campuses is anti-Semitism, yet universities tend to deny the problem. In addition you never see the kind of response that SDSU has shown here. I would love to see one campus turn out and march when a swastika shows up on campus. I have yet to see it anywhere.
I also find it noteworthy-though hardly surprising- that the SDSU MSA has rejected support from the campus group, Students Supporting Israel.
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