"When numbers are combined with the picture and video of a 17-year-old young black kid, then America's racist and troubled soul is exposed. A soul frequently drenched in blood, pain and suffering that is persistently unleashed by White Supremacy on black Americans and other minorities."
-Hatem Bazian
UC Berkeley Professor Hatem Bazian is a Palestinian immigrant who came here to the US, got his education, and became a professor. Since then, Bazian has made his mark by attacking Israel and complaining about Islamophobia. Indeed, he is founder of something called the Islamophobia Research and Documentation Center at UCB, a fancy-sounding title for an entity that occupies a tiny office in Barrows Hall. I actually visited it (see below) when I was at Berkeley a few months ago. Naturally, nobody was there.

"Kilroy was here."
As previously reported on this site, Bazian has a history of making controversial comments. There is a video, previously linked on Fousesquawk, that shows him telling a college audience that an intifada was needed in America. He also reportedly once told a college audience to count the names of all the Jews on campus buildings. I personally asked him about that comment a few years ago when he spoke at UC Irvine. He danced all around it, and I never did get a straight answer even after a follow up question.
In this below piece, which Bazian just put out on something called Daily Sabah, Bazian attacks America as being a racist country. He is talking about the Chicago police shooting death of LaQuan McDonald last year, the video of which has just been released in conjunction with the shooting officer's indictment on murder charges.
We can all agree that the Chicago case is troubling, both the shooting and the actions of the city leadership over the course of the several months between the incident and the charges. All my life, the city of Chicago has been noted for its corruption. That said, Bazian's comments about America in general are despicable.
"America's cities, towns and streets are today's hulls of slave ships, where death is awaiting the locked up human cargo and death is sudden, always unnatural, even when it is of supposed natural causes."
This article is drenched in hatred for the country in which he chose to study, work and live. He did not live through the 1950s and 1960s in America. He did not observe the civil rights movement and the work of people like Martin Luther King. He has no frame of reference for how much this country has changed.
"Police violence is a problem, but it has to be contextualized within America's structural racism which permits and defends the differentiated treatment accorded to black Americans."
How does all this jive with those alleged comments about counting Jewish names on college buildings? If those comments are accurate, how does this guy pose as some shining example of tolerance?
If this is what Bazian thinks of his adopted country, why doesn't he leave and go back to that hell hole called Nablus in the West Bank?
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