UC Irvine Vice Chancellor Thomas Parham has sent this missive out to the UC Irvine community this week. It concerns something called the Women's Empowerment Initiative. After reading it, I am not sure what it is all about. Maybe the reader will have better luck than me.
Dear UCI Faculty:
We are pleased to announce this third annual special Call for Proposals as a collaboration between the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) and the UCI Women's Empowerment Initiative, emphasizing the importance of the discovery process to advance our knowledge and efforts to empower women, and provide mentorship and leadership opportunities through collaborative projects.
The UCI Women's Empowerment Initiative has a primary goal of serving and empowering the next generation of women leaders in a global society through educational programming, leadership opportunities, research and scholarship.
UCI undergraduates from all disciplines who are conducting research projects or creative activities under the guidance of UCI faculty are encouraged to apply. Topics of inquiry and investigation may include, but are not limited to: mentorship and leadership development; navigation of multiple roles; disparities in healthcare-women's health across the lifespan; gender and socialization of women; self-efficacy and self-esteem-psychological health of women; women and athletics; violence against women; queer/feminist theory; gender, culture and social change; sociology of law; women and sexuality; women's contribution to the economic marketplace; and women's career development.
The research proposal should include background and objective of the research project, project design and feasibility, student's specific responsibility, project's timeline, and a detailed budget with justification. In addition, faculty mentors will be asked to upload one letter of recommendation per project, which would evaluate the student's performance to date and capacity to complete the proposed activities. If the research involves human subjects, the appropriate IRB protocol number is required. Please refer to http://www.research.uci.edu/ora/ for guidelines and appropriate forms.
Similar to UROP's regular Fall Call for Proposals, complete proposals must be submitted online at the UROP Web site (http://www.urop.uci.edu/grants.html), by Monday, November 2, 2015.
The project title should start with "Special Call:" and the proposal should elaborate on relevance of the proposed project to the theme of this special Call for Proposals. Proposals will be reviewed by the UROP Faculty Advisory Board. Standards for evaluation of funding requests include:
-Intellectual merit in the student's proposed research activity
-Thoroughness and completeness of the proposal packet
-Level of commitment and support from the faculty
-Assessment of student's UCI transcript
-Available Funds
This special call will fund a varied set of projects, with requests up to $1,000 for individual projects, and up to $2,500 for group projects that involve multiple students. Funds can be used to support such expenditures as the purchase of materials and supplies, research-related travel, and the costs incurred in the presentation of research or creative activities. These funds cannot support major hardware purchases, salaries or stipends, or travel expenditures only. Proposals requiring no funding, or receiving adequate funding from departmental or other sources, may be submitted for an Honorary Fellowship. Supported projects will be highlighted at the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium, and recognized at a UCI Women's Empowerment Initiative reception, both scheduled for Saturday, May 14, 2016.
Students are encouraged to attend a Proposal Writing Workshop on Friday, October 23, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the Calit2 Building, Auditorium. For more information, faculty and students may contact one of us, or the UROP Office: Student Services II, Suite 2300; Phone: (949) 824-4189; E-mail: urop@uci.edu.
Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
Mandy K. Mount, Ph.D.
Chair, UCI Women's Empowerment Initiative
Said M. Shokair
Director, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
Call me sexist, but it seems to me to be a waste of the tax-payers' money as more research is devoted into making victims out of women.
Maybe I should respond to their CALL. I could suggest bringing in Rhonda Rousey as a guest lecturer. Now that's what I call an example of women's empowerment.
If that is not really a guy, do you have her phone number?? What a sweetie!!!
I think you've just found a good place to cut the administrative overhead budget to help hold the line on tuition. Without any prejudice toward feminism as a political current, this obese chunk of bureaucratese would discredit any political platform whatsoever that was mentioned favorably in its interminable prose.
elwood... no accounting for tastes.
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