"A major national conference for teachers and school administrators starting on Saturday, October 10, in Baltimore will focus exclusively on race and racism, featuring workshops on “interrupting whiteness” in American schools, the “dominance of White supremacy” in society, “White privilege” enjoyed by Caucasian students, “white domination of thought,” and how to “decenter whiteness.”
The conference, officially titled The National Summit for Courageous Conversation 2015, is organized by the Pacific Educational Group (PEG), a large and influential consulting firm hired by hundreds of school districts nationwide — often under pressure from the federal government — to address “racial gaps” in scholastic performance and behavior problems in the classroom."
With all the problems in Baltimore with blacks killing other blacks, this takes the cake. A conference is being held in that city for teachers and school administrators dedicated to the notion that white people are the problem when it comes to education.
Very interesting considering the fact that Baltimore is majority African-American and is essentially run by African Americans.
Gregory E. Thornton-Superintendent of Baltimore City Schools
Whiteness should not be "decentered," it should be thrown away. Of course that would ultimately mean throwing away "blackness" as well.
Meanwhile, someone needs to remind Gregory Thornton that the Cubs are in the NL playoffs.
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