
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Border Patrol Backs Out of Job Fair at UC Irvine After Petition Demands Their Ouster

Hat tip The College Fix

Image result for uc irvine anteater

The anti-American element among students at UC Irvine has prevailed once again. The US Border Patrol was supposed to appear at an October 22 job fair. However when the little rascals who are offended by anything smacking of an American flag gathered a petition asking for their removal, the BP folded their tents and dropped out-a defeat for freedom of speech.

I am heartned to know UCI was willing to back the Border Patrol's presence on campus. I am not so heartened that the BP backed out.

* Update: Here is what the UCI student group MEChA posted on their Facebook page.

Here is what the campus paper New University reports.

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