
Friday, September 4, 2015

Upcoming UC Regents Meeting at UC Irvine

Hat tip Jew Hatred on Campus blog

In July, the UC Regents were scheduled to hold a meeting at which a proposal to adopt the State Department's definition of anti-Semitism would be debated. This proposal reportedly had the support of UC President Janet Napolitano.

That meeting has been postponed to September 16-17 at UC Irvine. However, instead of a discussion of the State Department definition, it appears that all that will be discussed in some sort of response to intolerance in general. If true, that is about as watered-down as it gets. Below is a blistering article by Thomas Elias in The Union (of Western Nevada County California). It has been cross-posted in Jew Hatred on Campus.

I plan to attend this meeting and get my name on the list for the public comment forum.

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