Deer in the headlights
Jacob Lew
Some interesting exchanges took place this week in New York at a Jerusalem Post security conference that focused on Iran, the bomb and US fecklessness. In the below Frontpage Magazine report, we see US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew as he tries to sell a skeptical audience on the Obama administration's "commitment" to stopping Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. The audience clearly isn't buying it. We also see JPost editor Caroline Glick calling out two of the panelists (Israeli government officials) for refusing to obey a directive from Benjamin Netanyahu to prepare an attack plan against Iran's nuclear facilities.
Selling this Obama loves Israel and does not want Iran to get a Nuke, by Lew, is ludicrous. Lew would have a better chance of selling frozen, chocolate covered human excrement on a stick. But then again, the Left is buying it.
Lew's story about Obama's commitment to a non-nuclear Iran is not kosher. And, Obama's story about a great nuke deal with Iran is “As Kosher as a pig's foot.”
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