
Friday, February 20, 2015

UC Davis Student Govt. Overturns BDS Vote

BDS Vote has nothing to do with issues affecting student body

Last week, UC Davis was embarrassed on the national stage when Jewish students leaving a BDS vote against firms doing business with Israel were heckled by shouts of "Allahu Akbar" by pro-Palestinian students. Later two swastikas were spray painted on a Jewish frat house.

Well apparently, Allah ain't so akbar as the student government has now thrown out that vote on the grounds that student government should only concern itself with issues that affect the student body as opposed to political issues.

What a novel concept! Student governments should only concern themselves with issues that affect the student body as opposed to political issues! Maybe this should be the template nation-wide for fighting these asinine and time-consuming BDS resolutions that have no relevance for the student body whatsoever and cause only strife-not to mention anti-Semitism on campus.

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