Out of respect to diversity and a concern for public safety, a Vermont restaurant has removed a photo of.....
This after a Muslim woman complained that the image was offensive to her.
And if any readers find the picture on this site offensive, feel free to write in and ask me to take it down.
I find it offensive that the photo does not also show eggs, hashbrowns, and Tobasco sauce.
I would find it offensive if anyone put Tobasco sauce on my bacon... and the hash browns better be fried to a crisp, or I won't eat them.
Siarlys--the Tobasco goes on the taters, with or without ketchup. Little Southwestern touch.
P.S. to Siarlys--here is something else you need to know about Tobasco sauce.
If you drop a worm into a glass of water, it will swim. If, however, you drop it into either whiskey or Tobasco sauce, it will die.
Moral?? Drink enough whiskey and eat enough Tobasco sauce and you will never have worms.
And not to confuse you, I know that Tobasco is a Louisiana product. However, it was in Arizona that I learned to put it, or any hot red Mexican sauce, on hashbrowns, French fries, pork skins, etc. Yummy!!!!!
Or maybe it means, if you take too much Tabasco sauce (we've both been mis-spelling it), and you die, that means you are a worm.
Yeah, I knew better, had a brain f--- I guess. I have been using it for only about 45 years or so.
You're a youngster elwood...
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