"Usama! We have guests."
"Good. Show them up."
I've heard a lot of excuses for terrorism coming from Islamist apologists, but this one takes the cake. Hamza Yusuf, a co-founder of Zaytuna College (an Islamic college at UC Berkeley), is blaming jihadist violence on Western pornography. This comes out of a panel discussion at Georgetown University hosted by Georgetown's chief Islamist apologist John Esposito.
"After George noted that intelligence agents routinely find sexually explicit materials on laptops belonging to captured jihadists, Yusuf offered a theory in which young men "become deeply defiled" by the pornography habits and blame the West for providing the corrupting influences. They turn to jihad for religious purification and redemption."
And what could purify a young man's soul more than flying an airplane into buildings or beheading children?
And note this leading question from the event's announcement (see link):
"How has the persecution of Muslim minorities affected their well-being in Europe and North America, the overall health of Muslim-majority nations, and the growth of violent Islamist extremism?"
Excuse me-what persecution of Muslim minorities? Don't they have that backwards? It is the Muslims who are persecuting religious minorities these days-including Jews in Europe.
"Jasser also criticized Yusuf's connection with Zaid Shakir, his Zaytuna College partner and co-founder, who told the New York Times he wanted to see America become a Muslim nation ruled by Islamic law."
And don't forget that other co-founder of Zaytuna, UC Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian, who was last seen leading the charge to get Bill Maher's commencement address at UCB cancelled. He's the guy who called for an intifada in the US.
But as for Yusuf's blaming jihad and terrorist violence on Western pornography, I mean really-haven't they run out of excuses?
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