
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Was Jeanne Shaheen Involved in IRS Targeting Scandal?

I hop whatever readers I have in New Hampshire read this before heading to the polls today. It appears Jeanne Shaheen, the Democrat senator from NH, was "in the loop" about what the IRS was doing to target conservative groups trying to gain tax-exempt status for the 2012 election.

If you NH voters re-elect this woman, you have only yourselves to blame.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

If you care so much, you should move to New Hampshire, like Scott Brown did, and register to vote.

(Post hoc: it appears not many voters in NH read Fousesquawk).

elwood p suggins said...

Siarlys--does that mean that since you care so much about socialism/communism, you should move to Cuba (a la Joanne Chesimard??)or North Korea and register to vote there?? Good luck. Just curious.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Paul Robeson answered that question in 1956 elwood, testifying before HUAC. I have a poster of that on my wall. Since I have a congenital melanin deficiency, and my father was not born enslaved, the empirics of my answer would be different, but the intent would be similar. This is my country. I'm not going to give it up to the likes of you.

Your analogy is also misplaced. I have not attempted to influence the decision of the voters of New Hampshire as to who should represent them in the senate. I also have not attempted to influence the decision of the voters of Cuba as to who should govern them. Assata Shakur is in Cuba because she was charged (possibly falsely) with being involved in a felony in New Jersey. I haven't been charged with anything.

Try again elwood... but don't quit your day job... or are you collecting social security now? "Get the government's hands off my Medicare!" Right.

elwood p suggins said...

Siarlys--I am indeed collecting Social Security and am on Medicare, two programs into which I paid a LOT of money over the years, and continue to do so both into Medicare and private health insurance, as well as into Social Security if I worked any, which I have admittedly not done in a little while now. These are NOT entitlement programs, at least for me and many like me, unlike entitlement programs such as welfare, unemployment, food stamps, ADC, WIC, et al, none of which, incidentally, I have any basic disagreement with, at least relative to existence contrasted to implementation. I am essentially only getting my own money back, if that.

And yes, the Obamacare effects on Medicare are lowering both the quantity and quality of health care (three recent personal incidents there) for recipients, primarily seniors, in favor of younger folks who someday will also be old, and at least some, perhaps many, of whom are mopes and leeches.

So ol' Joanne, like Mumia, is also innocent, huh?? That felony, of which she was convicted, not merely charged, involved in part the shooting of a wounded NJ trooper twice in the head, execution-style, I believe. Who else is innocent, O.J. Simpson?? You know, you really should get off the Kool Aid.

And BTW, don't ya'll up there in the icy north have anything better to do than keep electing/re-electing Scott Walker?? Three times now, right??