The below post on Breitbart concerns the recent mass beheadings of Syrian soldiers and American Peter Kassig by ISIS. It appears many of the executioners were fighters from Western countries
"The make-up of the murder squad was of a distinctly international nature, deliberately chosen to gain maximum effect as a recruiting tool with the killers being picked from ISIS members from all over the world. At least two Britons have been identified in the squad, as have French and German passport holders."
Of course, Western apologists like University of Michigan professor Juan Cole would downplay this as representing a "minuscule" number of Western Muslims as he did recently at California State University at Long Beach. Me? I prefer to take these 7th century barbarians at their word when they promise to come home and kill us on our own streets.
I have just watched the full video of this horrific atrocity. I will not post it out of respect for the Kassig family. I am wrestling with the idea of posting similar videos that do not involve Westerners. Part of me says that the more people see these gruesome images, the more they will be educated to the threat we face.
It is the duty of every Western government to see to it that those savages who carry Western passports never return to our countries.
I never advocated interning all Western Muslims, you know that.
A minuscule number who are going to be sure, but not such a minuscule number-at least in Europe- who approve of their going to fight.
And if that minuscule number ever return to the West, they can and will cause a lot of carnage.
I keep asking the question Gary, because your choice of words keeps suggesting that it will be necessary to intern or otherwise limit the movements and employment of all Muslims (just to be on the safe side).
And I will keep giving you the same answer because I have never said it and I don't mean to suggest it.
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