It looks like Holder in his next appearance before Congress will now claim just as Hillary Clinton did that "those documents never reached my desk". Never mind that e-mail we now know Holder wrote that referred to Darrel Issa (R-CA) and his investigators as. "Issa and his idiot cronies".
For Holder to claim that Fast and Furious (and its subsequent cover up) was going on without his knowledge is patently absurd. He was under the spotlight and had a personal interest in not only following but managing this cover up.
Just what will Holder say in his next appearance before Congress?

"How about, 'I am not a crook?"
I guess he could take the Fifth
(a la Lois Lerner), but I believe he probably effectively legally waived that right by his former testimony when he did not invoke it.
Does the noose tighten a little bit more??
I would also like to see Valerie Jarrett on the stand, after the Judicial Watch gets the goods on her, for her actions in the cover-up and counseling to Holder. Would it not be a pleasure to see both Holder and Jarrett go to jail, while Obama is still in office?
Squid--don't hold your breath. Most unfortunately, there is no "independent counsel" these days.
Just to refresh your memory, in the aftermath of Watergate, et al, in 1978 a Democratic Congress and a President named Jimmy Carter created the position of "special prosecutor", later changed to "independent counsel", which could be used by either Congress or the Attorney General to investigate individuals holding or formerly holding certain high positions in the federal government and in national Presidential election campaign organizations.
The prosecutor, who was appointed by a special panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, could investigate allegations of any misconduct, was separate from DOJ, and could be dismissed by the Attorney General only for "good cause", or by the special panel of the court when the independent counsel's task was completed. This made the office essentially truly "independent".
Bill Clinton's AG apparently could find no "good cause" to dismiss independent counsel Ken Starr, so in 1999 the Office of Independent Counsel was replaced by The Office of Special Counsel within the United States Department of Justice, which is charged with investigating alleged misconduct in the federal government's executive branch. As such, any special counsel is then obviously appointed by, and serves at, the pleasure of the AG.
Quite obviously, neither Holder nor his successor, whatever mope that may be, is about to appoint a special counsel. Accordingly, it seems the best we can hope for is that Republicans somehow manage to hold onto both houses of Congress AND win the presidency in 2016, possibly/probably an unlikely prospect.
In that event, however, perhaps a special counsel will be appointed. Wishful thinking or not, there would then be some possibility, slight or otherwise, that depending on when the statute(s) of limitations run out, someone might have the guts to do the right thing with regard to Holder, Lerner, et al, up to and including Obama Himself.
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