
Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Victory for Free Speech in Tennessee and a Defeat for CAIR

Hat tip Right Wing News and Sue

The state of Tennessee is a battleground being fought by US Islamists to advance their agenda. It is felt that if they can establish Islam in the Bible belt, the rest of the country will be easy. Witness the Murfreesboro mosque controversy.  This time the Islamists of CAIR have suffered a setback. They pressured a Knoxville high school to cancel an event scheduled on its premises by ACT for America and the Freedom X Association, an event that would have discussed the dangers of allowing an encroachment of sharia law in America. Subsequently, the above two groups sued the school district. Now they have prevailed.

“I therefore respectfully request that you review district policies to determine whether your high school is an appropriate venue for a potentially hate-filled program.”

Herein lies the language groups seeking to cause the cancellation of a scheduled event try to use. If you actually request or demand the cancellation of a scheduled event, where resources and funds have been expended, you run the risk of a lawsuit id said event is cancelled.

What I would like to see is CAIR being sued for their tactics of intimadation. Lawfare is their tactic. I would like to see it turned against them.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yeah, generally a public school building is available to be rented by just about any community organization, regardless of viewpoint. If CAIR doesn't understand that, too bad, they have something to learn about the A in their name.

But this leaves a question for those of us who would like a local school district to have the option to deny a request from the American Nazi Party or the Ku Klux Klan. How do we draw this line?

Back in the day, my great-grandfather's union, the United Mine Workers of America, had a clause in its constitution that no-one could be a member of the UMWA who belonged to the Communist Party, the Nazi Party, or the Chamber of Commerce.

elwood p suggins said...

With reference to the UMWA, two outta three ain't bad.