
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Think the Republicans Are Going to Take the Senate?

Think again.

Hat tip Hot Air

There are a lot of tight Senate races out there that the Republicans think they will win and take over the US Senate. Of course, that won't happen if the Democrats can steal a few here and there-like in Colorado, where undercover investigator James O'Keefe once again caught Democrat campaign workers ready to cheat to win the election for Mark Udall. Watch the video here at Hot Air.

I wonder how black and Hispanic voters in "ghetto" North Aurora feel after hearing this Democrat operative describe their community.


elwood p suggins said...

And to think that Siarlys maintains that there is essentially no u.S. voter fraud going on. The Colorado situation is a "bird's nest on the ground" for anyone so inclined, and you can bet that nationally, this is something like an iceberg.

elwood p suggins said...

P.S.--just caught this, worth a read.