Reza Aslan has to really be full of himself. That was my impression when I saw him on a stage with Faisal Abdul Rauf at UCLA a couple of years ago. This guy, who for some unfathomable reason is, among other things, a professor at the University of California at Riverside, has shown his "academic credentials" by making the boffo statement that makes up the above title.
As aptly pointed out by Jihad Watch, this statement about Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud is patently absurd, not subjectively but objectively. To list Marx and Freud as people who gave birth to the Enlightenment is on a level as saying that Babe Ruth gave birth to the Civil War,
Aslan's problem is that he is so full of himself that he sits there pontificating like an intellectual and without even realizing it makes off the wall statements like the above. He is a pseudo-intellectual who when not bouncing off the walls on videotape is tweeting out four-letter insults to people like Robert Spencer.
It is just all beyond embarrassing.
Both Marx and Freud were born after the Enlightenment, not before.
Don't they teach History in Universities any more?
Precisely the point Jihad Watch made. And to answer your question, no they don't unless you consider revisionist history.
@ Findalis,
Congratulations Findalis, you get an honorary Ph.D. for your finding.
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