
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Joe Biden Apologizes to Turkey's Leader

If you are going to follow ISIS to the Gates of Hell, the road leads through Turkey. Now poor old Joe Biden is apologizing to "his friend", Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan for quoting him saying Turkey made a mistake to let those ISIS volunteers transit Turkey to get to Syria.

"And that's a big f----n' deal."


The fact of the matter is that Turkey has allowed foreign fighters to transit the country to join up with ISIS. Whether Erdogan actually said as much to Biden, it is a figment of Biden's imagination, or just pure Biden BS is open to question. What is embarrassing is that our vice president has to apologize to a man who rarely deserves an apology and has his own sorry record of making embarrassing statements. The anti-Semitic Erdogan has led his country to a point where it deserves neither EU or NATO membership. From being a model for a secular Muslim-majority nation as established by Ataturk, Turkey has drifted in the direction of fundamentalism and becoming an unreliable ally.

This is what happens when you let Joe Biden out of the country.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Biden has always had a marked capacity for putting his foot in his mouth. That's why he never got out of single digits as a presidential candidate.

Unfortunately, in 2008 Barack Obama was convinced he needed an old white man on the ticket to reassure... someone. I'm not sure who. I know lots of old white men who were going to vote for Obama anyway.