Let us not lose hope for France just yet. This week a rally in front of the Pakistani embassy in Paris was held to protest the death sentence handed out to a Pakistani Christian mother named Asia Bibi, who has been convicted of insulting the Prophet Mohammad and faces death by hanging. She has been imprisoned since 2009, and just days ago an appeals court affirmed her sentence.
The French blog Gallia Watch has the report.
I realize that geopolitical considerations will trump morality nine out of every ten times, but if this execution is carried out, it will be an overwhelming demonstration that this piss-pot of a country is not worth having any continued relations with. At the very least, the US should send make some diplomatic statement like recalling our ambassador. If I had my preference, we would break diplomatic and military relations with Pakistan and cut off all foreign aid.
However, I am not president. Barack Obama is. Thus, I predict if the execution is carried out, we will say and do nothing.
1 comment:
Hold your horses Gary. Before we give Pakistan a diplomatic slap in the face, let's get the last of our troops out of Afghanistan. Supply lines, y'know? That's important to a successful withdrawal too. There are reasons we stay on speaking terms with Pakistan.
If we cut off all military aid, you can bet the Saudis are ready to match and raise the aid we cut off, just as they did in Egypt. So it won't exactly save Asia Bibi.
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