
Thursday, October 9, 2014

George Galloway in the Soup Again

Hat tip Investigative Project on Terrorism

"They're coming to take me away."

(Maybe real soon.)

Trouble has a habit of following British comedian (and member of Parliament) George Galloway everywhere he goes. Just this week, he was sent to the hospital with a broken jaw courtesy of one of his "admirers". Now the British Charity Commission has put the squeeze on George's "charitable" organization, Viva Palestina. (Or should I say, the freeze?)

"In March 2009, Galloway made a point of defiantly holding up a bag of cash before handing it to a Hamas minister despite the UK's designation of Hamas as a terrorist group. Prominent Viva Palestina leaders have openly advocated for the destruction of Israel."

Yes! The same month, George was running around the US collecting contributions. I was present when he spoke in March at UC Irvine. During his speech, boxes were passed around for people to drop money into for George to carry to Gaza and hand over to Hamas. There was a dean of student judicial affairs in the room. Since the event was not advertised as a funding event (by the Muslim Student Union), it was in violation of UCI policy. A subsequent investigation by the school concluded that there was, indeed, a violation, but that no university personnel were culpable!

In addition, letters aplenty were sent to the Justice Department asking for an investigation. That, of course, went nowhere since the Justice Department was under Eric Holder.

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