
Thursday, October 16, 2014

CDC Travel Ban and No-Travel Ban

It's getting real confusing out there regarding this Ebola virus. Or should I say it is the CDC that is confused? As CDC head Thomas Frieden insists there should be no travel ban for people coming from the infected West African countries-because that would somehow hamper our efforts to get people to those countries to help fight it, we now learn that a second Dallas-based nurse who treated Thomas Eric Duncan was cleared to fly from Cleveland to Dallas-apparently in error. Now the CDC is considering a travel ban on said health care workers, but there is still no ban on West Africans, who continue to arrive in the US every day.

How doers it make sense to slap a travel ban on these nurses in Dallas while allowing people from the impacted West African countries to come here?


Findalis said...

Funny how the Obama regime instituted a travel ban to Israel this last summer.

elwood p suggins said...

He did, didn't he?? Forgot that.

elwood p suggins said...

And just to add to this, I would wager that if the Ebola "epidemic" stemmed from a handful of little shirt-tail, third world (fourth-world??)countries in Europe, or from Australia and/or New Zealand, we would see a travel ban of some sort go into effect in a heartbeat.