A night at the opera
Carolyn Glick, who writes in the Jerusalem Post, is a writer whose views I admire. In this piece for the Post (also cross-posted in Frontpage Magazine) she begins with the disgraceful play being run at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York on the murder of Leon Klinghoffer and goes on to describe the spread of anti-Semitism in the US principally on college campuses.
I was living in Italy when Palestinian terrorists took over the cruise ship Achille Lauro. Leon Klinghoffer, an elderly American Jew who was in a wheelchair, was shot in the head in cold blood in front of his wife and thrown overboard in his wheelchair. The opera in question portrays the savages who murdered him in a sympathetic manner.
In subsequent paragraphs, Glick recounts recent anti-Semitic outrages that have played out in the US. Central to the problem is the role played by universities, where student and faculty thugs have stirred up Jew hatred as part and parcel of their campaign against the Jewish state of Israel. It is an outrage, and for too long, weak-kneed college administrators have allowed the situation to fester.
For several years now, I have been predicting that if sterner measures are not taken against campus thugs, we will witness a tragedy on one of our campuses. The recent events in Canada and the US (New York City and Oklahoma) are a warning that the day may be fast approaching. The same crazies who identify with ISIS hold a fanatical hatred toward Israel and Jews as well. It is high time for university administrators to wake up.
And shame on the Met. I could say I will never set foot into that place, but since I care nothing for opera or New York City, it would be a meaningless gesture.
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