
Thursday, August 7, 2014

What Will Obama Do?

With religious minorities facing annihilation from ISIS fighters stranded at the top of a mountain, will Obama do what it seems nobody else can do- attack the ISIS fighters from the air? It seems that air strikes would be ideal for this kind of situation.

Today, his press secretary, Josh Earnest, danced all around that question while affirming there would be no boots on the ground. Earnest also stressed Obama's position that any solution in Iraq has to be political not military, as if you can reach a political agreement with people who want to cut your head off.

While I oppose American soldiers re-entering any ground war in Iraq, it seems that air strikes against ISIS-especially in this situation- is the moral thing to do if nobody else can or will do it.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I guess the White House has been monitoring your site again, Gary.