
Monday, August 25, 2014

Two Different Memorial Services

Hat tip CNS News and Squid

Doesn't this just say it all about President Obama and his priorities?

Amazing. Minutes after Obama gave that statement at Martha's Vineyard about the death of James Foley, he was back out on the golf course. Then he sends three White House officials to Missouri to attend the funeral of Michael Brown while nobody-nobody from the White House attended a memorial service for James Foley in New Hampshire.


Squid said...

Every white law enforcement officer (LEO) in the United States should take note. Obama has already shown his disrespect for a white LEO in the Cambridge police incident, when one of his professor friends was detained. It made nationwide news. Obama's corrupt Director of the DoJ, who was slammed by the Supreme Court for malfeasance in the prosecution of LEOs. Eric is solid in the Ferguson case, perhaps to intimidate the prosecutes to find false information on the LEO who shot the 300 pound, 6-4, 18 year old assaulter and intimidator of the store clerk, where he stole cigars. Holder also lied to Congress and has been found in contempt. Further, Holder's Civil Rights Unit had been slammed by the Supremes for Brady evidence violations. The lawyer who had the Brady violations moved to the White House as a counsel to the President, until the Supremes nailed her for her deeds. Of course, we have the White House advisor and collaborator, Al Sharpton helping to stir the racial pot.
My advise to all white LEOs is to have chest cams. The videos of confrontations would point to what really happens in these incidents. We know that the main stream media would suppress the video evidence, but Fox would be happy to expose the truth.


Findalis said...

And not one official at the funeral of Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene who was murdered in Afghanistan.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

As I recall, the Foley family wants their privacy respected, which means, among other things, that they do not want government officials making official appearances at their son's funeral. You got a problem with that?