
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Robert Reich: Hypocrite

Ex-Labor Secretary Robert Reich is always complaining about the greed of capitalists. If he himself is not a Marxist, he comes pretty close to it. Now comes Fox News informing us that the great anti-greed, anti-capitalist Reich is making $240,000 for teaching one course at UC Berkeley.

Just for the record, I teach one course per quarter at UC Irvine Extension as a part-timer. I presently get paid 64+ dollars per hour at two hours a day, five times a week for 10 weeks. I'll let you do the math. And I am not complaining. I live off my government pension and do this job basically to get out of the house and earn a little beer money.

But anti-greed Reich here is making money that falls into line with say, a vice chancellor's salary. And let's face it. Do you think Berkeley would have hired this guy had he not been Bill Clinton's labor secretary? I think not. In other words, Reich is cashing in on his government service. I don't begrudge him that nor his salary because I am a capitalist.

But maybe Reich should stop complaining about greedy capitalism since he is enjoying the fruits of it.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

$640 a week for ten hours work? Not bad. I make a little less for 40 hours. Reich may be overpriced, but a fat fee doesn't make him a capitalist -- not unless he invests it.

elwood p suggins said...

Lectern time is far from all the time that goes into teaching.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

NOW you remember that...