
Monday, August 11, 2014

More Videos of LA Pro-Hamas Rally Aug 10

Here are more videos from Sunday's pro-Hamas rally, which was successfully countered by pro-Israel demonstrators in Los Angeles.

Above is about 4:30 pm and most of the pro-Israel folks have gone home. Some pro-Hamas guy is rambling on the bull-horn and gives a shout out to none other than Norman Finklestein. (Was he there?)

Below is a longer clip as the rally concludes and people head to the parking lot. Along the way, a lot of insults go back and forth across the street, and a young pro-Palestinian girl becomes hysterical and has to be restrained (11:50). Intermittently, you can see the green flag of Hamas.

Above: This is the final clip where I return from my car. At the end, a young man with a sign that says, "F*uck Israel" objects to my filming and gives me the finger.

So wraps up yet another Sunday in which the LAPD and LASD have to be taken away from their normal duties because of the pro-Palestinians. Another day when the motorists on Wilshire Blvd are blocked from their normal route so these people can have their march to the Israeli consulate.


Anonymous said...

I appreciate video of the event. But, please try to hold the camera steady. Thanks.

Gary Fouse said...


Must be my shaky old hands or trying to move around while filming. In this area, I am surely an amateur.