
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Failed Blockade of Israeli Ship in Seattle

Hat tip The Mike Report

From what I can gather from this report from The Mike Report, they were celebrating the 1960s in Seattle this week as a small collection of misfits, odd-balls, and losers unsuccessfully tried to block an Israeli ship from unloading.

Doesn't that tell you all you need to know about this crowd that they would scream obscenities at the police?

At any rate, similar attempts to block offloading by the Israeli shipping company, Zim are on-going in Oakland and Long Beach. This week, protesters claimed victory in Long Beach, but it seems they were faked out and the ship off-loaded.

Perhaps, erroneously, the Southern California Islamic Shura Council has proclaimed victory in claiming that the blockade was successful (Gee, why would they care?)

 "Los Angeles based activists of all faiths and traditions joined hands and
successfully stopped an Israeli ship from docking at the Los Angeles port. This
peaceful action was in solidarity with and in response to a call made by the
Palestinian and South African labor and trade unions."


Findalis said...

I notice that those promoting BDS (Bigotry, Dishonesty and Shame) still are using their computers with their Intell chips (Developed and made in Israel) and phone with chips made and developed in Israel.

They first need to divest themselves of those products before anything else.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Remember when communists jumped on German ships in U.S. ports to rip down the Nazi banner flying from the bow?