Having said that, I am not impressed with this guy. It seems he and his bosses in the White House can't make up their minds as to whether ISIS is a threat to the US. Chuck Hagel pretty much implied they were days ago. Now comes this:
Let's see. ISIS has proven that they are no JV wearing Kobe Bryant jerseys. They have conquered a wide swath of Syria and Iraq and are looking to take the rest.
In addition, hundreds of their fighters are carrying Western passports-including at least 100 with US passports.
Furthermore, they are openly saying that they are going to attack the US and Western Europe.
Now they have beheaded an American, James Foley.
Finally, we know of at least one of these jihadis who has returned and carried out and attack. That was the French citizen who attacked the Jewish Museum in Brussels and killed four. He had previously returned from his "stint" in Syria.
How much you want to wager that Dempsey was told to lower the rhetoric while our golf player-in chief tries to make a decision?
"Should I use a 5 iron or a 6 iron?"
1 comment:
Of course General Dempsey is going to "lower the rhetoric". Is not the November election just around the corner and the Democrats need all the help they can get? Unfortunately, the threat is much greater than we all think. With Western ISIS fighters and their OK passports that will get them into our country without a problem and the open Southern border allowing "other than Mexicans" and Central American gang thugs to enter, ISIS types are free to cross over and literally get a free pass on an airliner, any place in America. I certainly hope that we do not have a Theo Van Gogh moment, but our Administration has set the possibility for this type of event.
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