
Friday, August 1, 2014

A Glimmer of Hope for Sweden

Hat tip Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes

The below video is in Swedish with English sub-titles. It was produced by the Swedish Democrat Party. As Gates of Vienna explains, this party is demonized by the "anti-Fascist" left. It is not that they are anti-immigrant, but they have reacted to those immigrants who have turned their once peaceful country into one where Swedish women dare not walk alone at night. Yes, they are anti-Islamist.

Here is just the latest example of what I am talking about. (Hat tip Jihad Watch

As critical as I have been of Sweden and their liberal policies, I have visited the country three times and have studied their language off and on (currently on) for many years. Many of the Swedish articles I have posted I have translated for my readers. I am taking brush up conversation lessons at the present time.

It is refreshing to see this video. I don't believe it makes Sweden inhospitable for decent immigrants from places like Asia, Latin America, or anywhere for that matter. The country has bent over backwards to be hospitable to Muslim immigrants. However, too many (not all) have abused that hospitality.

Hopefully, this party will grow.

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