Fabienne Calmes-victim
-Daily Mail
Information is dripping out about the woman who stabbed a French kindergarten teacher to death in view of her students in spite of the reluctance of the authorities and media to identify her beyond the name "Rachida". The murder occurred in the SW French town of Albi. The French blog Francois Desouche has a report (in French) along with a report from the UK Daily Mail reporting that the woman was born in Morocco (though she is identified in the French press as being "Spanish"). FD also has a couple of French news videos. Though French press reports describe the woman as having a history of psychological problems, neighbors interviewed described her as normal (2nd video).
"Dans le JT de 13 heures du samedi 5 juillet, la tueuse n’a toujours pas de prénom, mais on nous précise qu’elle est espagnole…"
"JT - 1 pm Saturday July 5- The killer still has no first name, but we are informed that she is Spanish..."
"Pour ses voisines interrogées par France 2, elle était normale : (JT de 20 heures du 4 juillet)"
"For the neighbors interviewed by France 2 (TV news), she was normal. (JT 8 pm July 4)
"Selon nos informations, la mère aurait déclaré que son acte était justifié, car « la maîtresse avait été méchante avec sa fille ». [...]"
"According to our information, the mother declared that her act was justified because the teacher had been mean to her daughter."
It is also noted that the woman had previously been charged with child abandonment and failing to report the disappearance of a child and attempting to hinder or delay the investigation.
Francois Desouche also has photos taken from the Lapanouse area of Albi where the school was located.
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